About Us

Rated as "Good" by the Care Quality Commission, we are a long-established doctors' practice in Suffolk.

Image of a staff member smilling

Welcome to Ivry Street Medical Practice

Our objective is to provide our patients with comprehensive access to personalised primary healthcare services that are above all, safe, and effective.

We accomplish this by aiming to develop relationships of mutual trust, honesty, and respect.

We ask that you help us in return by taking responsibility for your own health and wellbeing where you are able, and by using NHS services appropriately.

Appointment Summary

Total Appointments


423 Appointments per thousand registered patients

Registered Patients


Face to Face


343 Appointments per thousand registered patients

Appointments Booked to GP


127 Appointments per thousand registered patients

DNA Appointments


17 Appointments per thousand registered patients

Appointments on the Same Day


164 Appointments per thousand registered patients

Practice Information

A Learning Organisation

Learning is part of everything we do. It is how we continuously improve, and it’s how we develop the next generation of healthcare professionals.

We work with local universities, Heath Education England, and the GP Training Scheme deanery to offer placements at our practice. You may encounter GP Trainees, student Physician Associates, student nurses, and others from time to time. Find out more about trainees and students.


Veteran Friendly Practice

As a Veteran Friendly GP Practice we:

  • Have a clinical lead for veteran health, Dr Doig, who is supported by the whole Practice to improve veteran health services.
  • Ask patients ‘Have you served in the Armed Forces?’ to help identify veteran patients
  • Support veteran patients to access dedicated health services
  • Undertake regular training and development to meet the health commitments of the Armed Forces Covenant and better understand the needs of veteran patients
  • If you are a veteran patient, please let us know that you have served so that we can make sure that we understand your health needs.

More than 1,400 practices are now veteran friendly accredited and a University of Chester study revealed that 99% of accredited practices would recommend the accreditation.

Find out more about the Veteran Friendly Practices accreditation scheme

The Veteran Friendly Practices accreditation scheme is run by the Royal College of General Practitioners in partnership with NHS England.


Patient Participation Group (PPG)

Our surgery is proud to have an active Patient Participation Group where patients can voice their suggestions and concerns about our surgeries services. 

Join the Patient Participation Group

See Our Reviews

We encourage our patients to let us know about their positive experiences at our practice. If you'd like to leave a review, please do so on the NHS website

You can see what other patients have said about us here

Alternatively, if you've had a bad experience we'd also like to know. Please contact us and let us know how we can improve.

image of patient giving feedback
Meet the team

Meet our Team

Our clinical team includes 8 GPs, 1 Physician Assistant, 1 Pharmacist, 1 Nurse Practitioner, 5 Practice Nurses, Healthcare Assistants, and 1 Phlebotomist.

We also have a team of receptionists who provide an important link for patients with the practice and are your initial contact point for general enquiries. They can provide basic information on services and results and direct you to the right person depending on your health issue or query. Receptionists make most of the patient appointments with the GPs and nurses.

See our team page

Accessibility Needs

We want to get better at communicating with our patients and ensure you can read and understand the information we send you.

If you find it hard to read our letters or if you need someone to support you at appointments, please complete our Accessibility Needs Form below.


 Disability Access

 Accessibility Needs Form

Image of woman sitting in wheelchair at computer screen

GP Patient Survey

The GP Patient Survey is an independent survey run by Ipsos MORI on behalf of NHS England. The survey is sent out to over two million people across England. The results show how people feel about their GP practice.

See our results